There is one question that every CS major must eventually ask themselves:

Why study computer science?

Inevitably, the 2021 answer to this ticks at least one of three boxes:

  1. You like problem-solving.
  2. You like money.
  3. Your parents (or a similarly influential set of authority figures) want you to like money.

Doubtless, we’ve all been told that you need to check off Point 1 before you should even begin to consider a career in software. If you don’t enjoy your work, you will rapidly burn out and become a husk of an office worker, soullessly clacking away at a keyboard for what, buying a Tesla?

But I also believe that as software engineers, the programming languages that we use in our daily lives can profoundly shape our understanding of Point 1. The digital world that we live in runs on languages like Java and C++, and as much as we stand in awe of the pillars that they erect, we also grimace at the pains that they bring us. At this point, it’s become somewhat of a trope: Null pointer exceptions, templates, segfaults, factories, getters and setters.

With OOP having entrenched itself as the canonical style of programming in industry, scores of future programmers enter university programs, trudging through Introduction To Computer Science courses and wondering if there’s another way.

Functional Programming: An Arcane Art

UC Berkeley’s introductory CS course, CS61A, instilled in me a vision of the greener grass on the other side. Unlike many of my classmates, I enrolled in it without having printed a single “Hello world!” in my life. I had no preconceptions about what programming was or what it could be, and while students with prior exposure to languages like Java could do loop-de-loops around for loops, almost none of us were prepared for the absolute mind-f*ckery that was function currying.

def create_adder(x):
    def add(y):
        return x + y
    return add 

add_2 = create_adder(2)
add_2(3) == 5

Some of us enjoyed it. Most of us hated it. Few understood why we were learning this arcane art, when we could just as easily write 2 + 3 == 5.

The tragedy is that the beauty of functional programming in CS61A is rapidly snuffed out by the practical and depressing reality of Berkeley’s following programming course, CS61B, which presents to students the absolute carnage of writing large-scale projects in the OOP posterboy language that is Java. The vast majority of Berkeley CS students, or at least my peers, take the pythonic exercises of our first semester to be something akin to a tiger jumping through hoops: it’s cool, but useless. Why curry functions when loops and if-else statements can get you everything you want?

The sad part is that this kind of thinking isn’t even entirely wrong. A software engineer could theoretically spend a lifetime without ever having to curry a single function, while it’s tough to imagine a modern day career in programming that entirely avoids the object-oriented paradigm.

The Java Experience

Let us remind ourselves how to print “Hello world!” in Java again.

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello world!");

Many a programmer has asked themselves something roughly along the lines of:

“The !%#&? Why must it be so complicated?”

The Java experience is built around worshipping the object-oriented mode of thinking; even the simplest program imaginable must be built within a class to properly compile. And classes notwithstanding, it’s painfully true that Java is quite a verbose language. Queue the memes of buying a second monitor just to properly program in Java.

As a new, budding programmer, I was horrified to think that this could be my future. After experiencing the pristine conciseness of Python, I loathed to think that a career in programming could consist of wading through boilerplate. I missed the pythonic shortcuts: sane iterators, list comprehensions, the whole #!.

But I could also appreciate the security that Java’s static typing afforded me; I grew to appreciate the compiler always watching my back, making sure I never tried to subtract strings. And so, ever so slowly, I was coaxed into OOP-design principles, writing factory functions, getters and setters, and of course always dutifully inserting if (x == null) return null; at the beginning of my functions.

The Haskell Promise

I had been barely coding for 3 months when I first stumbled upon Advent of Code. Long story short, it’s a series of coding challenges that come out in the days preceding Christmas, and gradually builds in intensity such that it can provide a happy spot for almost any programmer.

After completing the day’s AoC challenge, I would always go on r/adventofcode and see what solutions the world’s best programmers could come up with. Consistently, I always found the FP solutions to be the most concise and beautiful ones.

Let’s take a look at the 2020 Day 6 problem. Spoilers: For the first part, you essentially tokenize the input by double newlines (\n\n), and sum over all unique characters that appear at least once in each token. For the second part, you do the same but instead sum over unique characters that appear on all lines in each token.

My solution was as follows:

from functools import reduce

with open('inputs/day6.txt', 'r') as file:
    groups ='\n\n')
    num_anyone = 0
    num_everyone = 0
    for g in groups:
        p_sets = [set(s) for s in g.split()]
        S_anyone = reduce(set.intersection, p_sets)
        S_everyone = reduce(set.union, p_sets)
        num_anyone += len(S_anyone)
        num_everyone += len(S_everyone)
    print(f"The answer to part 1 is {num_everyone}")
    print(f"The answer to part 2 is {num_anyone}")

Not the best, but I was pretty happy with where I ended up. But I was always struck by the alien elegance of Haskell solutions. Let’s look at one, courtesy of u/mount-cook on Reddit:

import Data.List
import Data.List.Split

parse :: String -> [[String]]
parse = map lines . splitOn "\n\n"

solve1 :: [[String]] -> Int
solve1 = sum . map (length . foldl1 union) 

solve2 :: [[String]] -> Int
solve2 = sum . map (length . foldl1 intersect)

day06a = show . solve1 . parse
day06b = show . solve2 . parse

This solution computes pretty much the same result as mine, but does it without any help from loops and with no need for any mutable variables. Awesome!

Of course, Python’s flexibility means that an entirely FP Python solution would’ve been possible, but I always found myself returning to the crutch of loops when formulating my solutions, even for problems that lended themselves very naturally to functional solutions. Still, coding programs like these (or seeing others’ code) gave me a much needed breather from the inflexible, uncompromising OOP approach that Java outlines.

The Beauty (and Horror) of C

One step below Javaland lies a basilisk in the depths, the lurking beast that we call manual memory management. While many of us despise languages like C for brutish unsafety, I have to admit that there’s a certain allure to C’s near one-to-one correspondance with machine code, and its utter disregard for typecast safety. And it’s hard to look at code such as Quake III Arena’s fast inverse square root and not be in awe of its mechanical simplicity.

The code that I write in C is most certainly not this beautiful. Unfortunately, C (and a disappointingly large number of well-known programming languages, I wager) make it very easy to write bad code. Large codebases written in C have to be very carefully maintained to avoid a slip-up, and even with its more modern language features, C’s cousin language C++ falls in a similar boat. Unfortunately, the inherent memory unsafety in these languages leads to the vast majority of critical security errors.

I think C is a beautiful language. In spite of (or perhaps even because of) its small size, it brings to the software engineer an enormous suite of flexibility when it comes to shaping the computer into humanity’s ultimate power tool. With that said, it’s unfortunate that this same power is its downfall in today’s world, where fast yet secure and memory-safe codebases are at a premium.

Rust: The Current Happy Medium

There’s no doubt that Rust is one of the most promising new kids on the block. After a decade-long incubation as Mozilla’s ace card, it’s emerging as the perfect storm of memory safety, incredible runtime performance, refreshingly modern syntax, and a growing ecosystem of passionate contributors. I must admit my bias; Rust is by far my favorite programming language, but I definitely have faith in my beliefs.

There have certainly been no shortage of Rust blogposts covering its amazing features, so I’ll just leave a snippet of what I think is one of the most aesthetically pleasing bits of Rust code that I’ve found:

fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool {
    match n {
        0...1 => false,
        _ => !(2..n).any(|d| n % d == 0),

In a world permeated by the imperative style of programming, it’s a breath of fresh air to see a modern systems programming language tackle problems with such beautifully functional syntax.

Peering Below the Surface

In the grand scheme of things, I know nothing. I love programming, but I cannot pretend that I currently anything more than a curious undergrad student, standing on the shoulders of giants. I cannot hope to cover even a fraction of the art that is beautifully written code, and as CGPGrey once wisely said:

“Knowledge is fractal.”

The universe is filled with possibility; the world of programming is but an infinitely small subset of the beauty that a human could possibly experience. The more I grow to learn about the world of computers, the more I can appreciate the incredible amounts of time and energy that countless engineers have poured into the software that all of our modern society relies on.

In the end, I have to say that learning how to program, and especially learning to look at programming as more than just a means to a future occupation, has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my adult life. And I have every intention of turning this into a lifelong passion.