Simple Ray Tracing in Rust 1: Basics
Many a programmer have stumbled into the rabbit hole of building a ray tracer. It brings the creative allure of beautiful graphics, and hides an astonishing amount of depth within its possible implementations. So let’s try our hand at building one, all the while taking advantage of the Rust programming language’s incredible speed, flexibility, and modernity.
If you want to get into the conceptual weeds, Steven Waterman already made an excellent blogpost on intuitively building a ray tracer. This series will be about translating these high level concepts into working Rust code. You can view my completed codebase here.
3D Objects
Many triangles form a dolphin. Source. |
First, we need to be able to represent the 3D scenes that we want to render. In computer graphics, the most basic representation of an object is a bunch of triangles.
First we define a Vector
struct, which
represents an offset in good old 3D Euclidean space.
Each Vector
is a 3D coordinate, and 3 of them
combine to form the vertices of a triangle.
Although it may sound simple, practically any 3D object
that you can think of can be approximated as just a
collection of many (possibly thousands, or even millions)
triangles. Let’s call a collection of triangles a Scene
we’ll keep our rendering code neatly organized by implementing our rendering functions on our Scene
Now let’s set up the Camera
for our scene,
from which we will view our triangles and convert
them into pixels on a screen.
Safety Using Rust’s Abstractions
Notice that we define a Radian
instead of just using an f64
(a 64-bit
floating point number,
equivalent to
a double
in languages like C or Java). This
showcases one of the great strengths of Rust:
zero cost abstractions. When compiled down
into machine code, the Radian
struct will
be treated no differently than any other f64
enabling operations on it to run at blazing speed.
Yet with this code, we ensure compiler-enforced safety.
By specifically writing only sin
and cos
for Radian
, we make sure that we won’t be able
to interact with it in any unintended ways, such
as performing a square root operation on it:
So… How Do We Ray Trace?
What does ray tracing actually entail? First, we must have a basic understanding of how rays of light are transformed into our vision in the real world.
Of course, we do some idealization so that we don’t bog ourselves in the details of quantum particles. We instead can approximate light as traveling from straight lines out of a light source.
A Simple Brightness Model
When this light hits a surface, some of it will be scattered, and a tiny proportion of this might be lucky enough to be sent towards your eyes (or a camera). There are many factors in the real world that affect apparent brightness and color, but for the sake of simplicity, we will assume that our surfaces exhibit Lambertian reflection. In this model, a surface scatters light equally in all directions, and the only factors affecting brightness are:
- The apparent brightness of the light source
- The angle between the light source and the surface
- A surface perpendicular to the light will be maximally bright
- A surface parallel to the light will be completely dark
From Reflection To Camera
A camera with two view planes. Source. |
After calculating the brightness of a surface, we trace the path that the light would take to the camera. The intersection point between this path and the view plane corresponds to a pixel that we draw on our screen. From here, we simply repeat until we have calculated the brightness and color of every single pixel.
Drawing Backwards
Of course, you might have noticed that the above method could be very computationally wasteful. What if the light ray never even intersects our view plane?
This naturally leads to a clever first optimization that pretty much any ray tracer will implement. Instead of drawing light from the light source to the camera, we draw from the camera to the light source! This saves us orders of magnitude of ray calculations.
A quick recap of our basic algorithm:
- Draw a light ray from the
through each pixel-corresponding region of ourViewPlane
- For every surface (
), determine if it intersects our ray- At the closest intersection between this ray and a surface, calculate the brightness of said surface
- Brightness grows with how perpendicular the surface is to light source
- Repeat for every pixel
Alright, let’s get coding!